arrow_down+ctrl | arch_chdir | ARCHIVE | directory change |
enter | arch_chdir | ARCHIVE | directory change |
page_up+ctrl | arch_change_dir_up | ARCHIVE | directory change .. |
arrow_up+ctrl | arch_change_dir_up | ARCHIVE | directory change .. |
page_down+ctrl | arch_change_dir_down | ARCHIVE | directory change down |
escape | arch_done | ARCHIVE | exit |
arrow_right+ctrl | arch_add | ARCHIVE | file add to |
F05 | arch_add | ARCHIVE | file add to |
F05 | arch_extract | ARCHIVE | file copy from |
arrow_right+ctrl | arch_extract | ARCHIVE | file copy from |
F01+ctrl | arch_init_new | ARCHIVE | file create new |
delete | arch_delete | ARCHIVE | file delete from |
F08 | arch_delete | ARCHIVE | file delete from |
F05+alt | arch_pack_new | ARCHIVE | file pack new |
F03 | arch_view | ARCHIVE | file view |
arrow_down+ctrl | arch_view | ARCHIVE | file view |
F02+ctrl | arch_unsuspend | ARCHIVE | unsuspend |
v+ctrl | g_cl_from_clip | COMMAND LINE | clipboard from |
c+ctrl | g_cl_to_clip | COMMAND LINE | clipboard to |
[+ctrl | g_cl_path_left | COMMAND LINE | directory from left panel |
]+ctrl | g_cl_path_right | COMMAND LINE | directory from right panel |
arrow_down+ctrl+shift | g_cl_copy_path_row | COMMAND LINE | file (fullpath) from panel |
enter+ctrl | g_cl_copy_row | COMMAND LINE | file (name/extension only) from panel |
F08+alt | cmdline_init | COMMAND LINE HISTORY | begin |
enter+ctrl | cmdline_run1 | COMMAND LINE HISTORY | copy to command line |
delete | cmdline_delete | COMMAND LINE HISTORY | delete |
F08 | cmdline_delete | COMMAND LINE HISTORY | delete |
escape | cmdline_done | COMMAND LINE HISTORY | exit |
arrow_down | cmdline_forward | COMMAND LINE HISTORY | next |
arrow_down+alt | cmdline_forward | COMMAND LINE HISTORY | next |
arrow_up+alt | cmdline_back | COMMAND LINE HISTORY | previous |
arrow_up | cmdline_back | COMMAND LINE HISTORY | previous |
e+ctrl | cmdline_back | COMMAND LINE HISTORY | previous |
enter | cmdline_run | COMMAND LINE HISTORY | run |
escape | g_cl_reset | COMMAND LINE | reset (clean) |
| g_cl_service | COMMAND LINE | service action |
F11+alt | evhist_init | EDIT/VIEW HISTORY | begin |
F08 | evhist_delete | EDIT/VIEW HISTORY | delete |
delete | evhist_delete | EDIT/VIEW HISTORY | delete |
escape | evhist_done | EDIT/VIEW HISTORY | exit |
enter | evhist_run | EDIT/VIEW HISTORY | run |
arrow_right+shift | fm_ch_l2r | FILE MANAGER | change left panel to right |
arrow_left+shift | fm_ch_r2l | FILE MANAGER | change right panel to left |
0..9+ctrl | fm_bookmark_go | FILE MANAGER | directory bookmark goto |
0..9+ctrl+shift | fm_bookmark_set | FILE MANAGER | directory bookmark set |
page_down+ctrl | fm_change_dir_down | FILE MANAGER | directory change |
arrow_down+ctrl | fm_change_dir_down | FILE MANAGER | directory change |
arrow_up+ctrl | fm_change_dir_up | FILE MANAGER | directory change .. |
page_up+ctrl | fm_change_dir_up | FILE MANAGER | directory change .. |
F07 | fm_mkdir | FILE MANAGER | directory create |
F07+shift | fm_mkdir_self | FILE MANAGER | directory create (get active name) |
F06+alt | fm_dir_size | FILE MANAGER | directory scan size |
arrow_left+alt | fm_ch_drv_cur | FILE MANAGER | drive change in current panel |
F01+alt | fm_ch_drive_l | FILE MANAGER | drive change left panel |
F02+alt | fm_ch_drive_r | FILE MANAGER | drive change right panel |
b+ctrl | fm_bookmark_ext0 | FILE MANAGER | extended bookmarks (0..9) |
~+ctrl | fm_bookmark_ext | FILE MANAGER | extended bookmarks (A..Z) |
| fm_attr | FILE MANAGER | file change attributes |
F05 | fm_copy | FILE MANAGER | file copy |
arrow_right+ctrl | fm_copy | FILE MANAGER | file copy |
F05+shift | fm_copy_self | FILE MANAGER | file copy to current directory |
arrow_right+ctrl+shift | fm_copy_self | FILE MANAGER | file copy to current directory |
delete | fm_delete_fast | FILE MANAGER | file delete |
F08 | fm_delete | FILE MANAGER | file delete |
F04 | fm_edit | FILE MANAGER | file edit |
w+ctrl | fm_edit_win | FILE MANAGER | file edit in new window |
F04+shift | fm_edit_new | FILE MANAGER | file edit new |
F07+alt | fm_find | FILE MANAGER | file find |
F06 | fm_move | FILE MANAGER | file move, rename |
arrow_left+ctrl+shift | fm_move_self | FILE MANAGER | file rename in current directory |
F06+shift | fm_move_self | FILE MANAGER | file rename in current directory |
F03 | fm_view | FILE MANAGER | file view |
F03+alt | fm_multi_view | FILE MANAGER | file view selected |
h+ctrl | fm_highlighting | FILE MANAGER | files highlighting configuration |
l+ctrl | fm_mp3_list | FILE MANAGER | files list create (mp3...) |
F09+ctrl | fm_ftp | FILE MANAGER | ftp connections |
F02 | fm_mk_hardlink | FILE MANAGER | hard link create |
arrow_left+ctrl | fm_move | FILE MANAGER | move, rename file |
j+ctrl | fm_open | FILE MANAGER | open file with external program |
a+ctrl | fm_panel_compare | FILE MANAGER | panel compare |
r+ctrl | fm_panel_refresh | FILE MANAGER | panel refresh, re-read |
F05+ctrl | fm_processes | FILE MANAGER | process list |
F06+ctrl | fm_reminder | FILE MANAGER | reminder |
enter+ctrl+shift | fm_run1 | FILE MANAGER | run process - low priority |
enter | fm_run | FILE MANAGER | run process in current console |
enter+shift | fm_run2 | FILE MANAGER | run process in new current console |
\+ctrl | fm_set_root | FILE MANAGER | set current directory to root directory |
F08+ctrl | fm_msnet | FILE MANAGER | show ms network |
escape | fi_done | FIND PANEL | exit |
F05 | fi_copy | FIND PANEL | file copy |
arrow_right+ctrl | fi_copy | FIND PANEL | file copy |
F08 | fi_delete | FIND PANEL | file delete |
delete | fi_delete_fast | FIND PANEL | file delete |
F04 | fi_edit | FIND PANEL | file edit |
F06 | fi_move | FIND PANEL | file move |
arrow_left+ctrl | fi_move | FIND PANEL | file move |
F03 | fi_view | FIND PANEL | file view |
enter | fi_run | FIND PANEL | run |
F12+alt | folder_init | FOLDER HISTORY | begin |
delete | folder_delete | FOLDER HISTORY | delete |
F08 | folder_delete | FOLDER HISTORY | delete |
escape | folder_done | FOLDER HISTORY | exit |
enter | folder_run | FOLDER HISTORY | run |
F07 | ftp_cache_del | FTP PANEL | cached password remove |
F02 | ftp_connect | FTP PANEL | connect |
arrow_up+ctrl | ftp_chdir_up | FTP PANEL | directory change .. |
page_up+ctrl | ftp_chdir_up | FTP PANEL | directory change .. |
F07 | ftp_mkdir | FTP PANEL | directory create |
F06+alt | ftp_size | FTP PANEL | directory size |
F02+ctrl | ftp_disconnect | FTP PANEL | disconnect |
escape | ftp_done | FTP PANEL | exit |
F08 | ftp_delete | FTP PANEL | file delete |
delete | ftp_delete_fast | FTP PANEL | file delete |
F04 | ftp_edit | FTP PANEL | file edit |
F05 | ftp_get | FTP PANEL | file get from |
arrow_right+ctrl | ftp_get | FTP PANEL | file get from |
F05 | ftp_put | FTP PANEL | file put to |
arrow_right+ctrl | ftp_put | FTP PANEL | file put to |
F06 | ftp_rename | FTP PANEL | file rename |
arrow_left+ctrl | ftp_rename | FTP PANEL | file rename |
F03 | ftp_view | FTP PANEL | file view |
F12 | ftp_list | FTP PANEL | list create |
r+ctrl | ftp_refresh | FTP PANEL | refresh (re-read) |
arrow_down+ctrl | ftp_run | FTP PANEL | run |
enter | ftp_run | FTP PANEL | run |
k+ctrl | g_color_config | GLOBAL | configuration color |
F09+shift | g_save_config | GLOBAL | configuration settings save |
m+ctrl | g_color_switch | GLOBAL | configuration switch color |
n+ctrl | g_note_dir | GLOBAL | goto note directory |
F01 | g_help | GLOBAL | Help |
num_star | g_unselect_invert | GLOBAL | invert group selection |
d+ctrl+shift | g_key_debug | GLOBAL | kc key debug |
F09+alt | g_macros | GLOBAL | kc macros |
F09 | g_menu | GLOBAL | Menu |
y+ctrl | g_note_make | GLOBAL | note fast create |
| g_auto_refresh | GLOBAL | panel autO refresh |
tab | g_tab | GLOBAL | panel change active |
| g_panel_display | GLOBAL | panel display type |
1..z+alt | g_panel_switch | GLOBAL | panel fast search |
home | g_home | GLOBAL | panel goto first row in |
end | g_end | GLOBAL | panel goto last row in |
arrow_down | g_move_down | GLOBAL | panel move down in |
arrow_up | g_move_up | GLOBAL | panel move up in |
arrow_right | g_page_down1 | GLOBAL | panel page down in |
page_down | g_page_down | GLOBAL | panel page down in |
page_up | g_page_up | GLOBAL | panel page up in |
arrow_left | g_page_up1 | GLOBAL | panel page up in |
| g_panel_resize | GLOBAL | panel resiZe |
arrow_down+shift | g_select_row_down | GLOBAL | panel select row in |
insert | g_select_row | GLOBAL | panel select row in |
arrow_up+shift | g_select_row_up | GLOBAL | panel select row in |
end+alt | g_panel_size_max | GLOBAL | panel set maximum size of current |
d+ctrl | g_panel_settings | GLOBAL | panel settings |
| g_disp_full | GLOBAL | panel show type fuLl |
| g_disp_name | GLOBAL | panel show type namE |
| g_disp_dir | GLOBAL | panel show type Path |
| g_disp_old | GLOBAL | panel show type size 1 |
| g_disp_size | GLOBAL | panel show type size 2 |
| g_disp_total | GLOBAL | panel show type Total |
| g_panel_size_d | GLOBAL | panel size down |
| g_panel_size_l | GLOBAL | panel size left |
| g_panel_size_r | GLOBAL | panel size right |
| g_panel_size_u | GLOBAL | panel size up |
| g_sort_ext | GLOBAL | panel sort by extension directory first |
| g_sort_ext_f | GLOBAL | panel sort by extension filter first |
| g_sort_name | GLOBAL | panel sort by name |
| g_sort_name_d | GLOBAL | panel sort by name directory first |
| g_sort_size | GLOBAL | panel sort by size |
| g_sort_time | GLOBAL | panel sort by time |
| g_sort_no | GLOBAL | panel unsort |
o+ctrl | g_show_hide | GLOBAL | panels show/hide |
i+ctrl | g_show_hide_info | GLOBAL | panels show/hide info |
p+ctrl | g_priority | GLOBAL | priority change class |
F10 | g_quit | GLOBAL | Quit |
q+ctrl | g_quit | GLOBAL | Quit |
g+ctrl | g_AdvSearch | GLOBAL | search advance search option |
end+shift | g_select_end | GLOBAL | select all rows down from cursor |
home+shift | g_select_home | GLOBAL | select all rows up from cursor |
num_plus | g_select_items | GLOBAL | select group items |
| g_sort_direction | GLOBAL | sort direction A/D |
num_minus | g_unselect_items | GLOBAL | uNselect group items |
z+ctrl | g_minimize | GLOBAL | window minimize |
z+ctrl | g_suspend | GLOBAL | window suspend (move panel to background) |
F01 | help_help | HELP | display |
escape | help_done | HELP | exit |
F02 | net_connect | NET PANEL | connect |
page_up+ctrl | net_change_dir_up | NET PANEL | directory change .. |
F08 | net_disconnect | NET PANEL | disconnect |
escape | net_done | NET PANEL | exit |
enter | net_run | NET PANEL | run |
escape | task_done | PROCESSES | exit |
F08 | task_kill | PROCESSES | kill |
delete | task_kill | PROCESSES | kill |
F04 | task_priority | PROCESSES | priority |
r+ctrl | task_refresh | PROCESSES | refresh |
F02 | rm_add | REMINDER | add task |
F08 | rm_del | REMINDER | delete task |
delete | rm_del | REMINDER | delete task |
F04 | rm_edit | REMINDER | edit task |
escape | rm_done | REMINDER | exit |
F09 | rm_start | REMINDER | start |
F10 | rm_stop | REMINDER | stop |
F10+alt | evgrep_init | VGREP HISTORY | begin |
F07+ctrl | evgrep_find | VGREP HISTORY | context |
enter+ctrl | evgrep_dir | VGREP HISTORY | directory switch |
escape | evgrep_done | VGREP HISTORY | exit |
F04 | evgrep_run | VGREP HISTORY | run |
enter | evgrep_run | VGREP HISTORY | run |
f+ctrl+shift | evwhere_init | WHEREIS HISTORY | begin |
f+ctrl | evwhere_find | WHEREIS HISTORY | context |
enter+ctrl | evwhere_dir | WHEREIS HISTORY | directory switch |
escape | evwhere_done | WHEREIS HISTORY | exit |
enter | evwhere_run | WHEREIS HISTORY | run |